How To Make your forehead smaller permanently: 11 Working Ways

A few days ago my forehead was also too big which made me ugly, then I found 11 different ways to reduce it which are effective for both men and women and I have provided them in this article.

I’m sure with the help of these different ways you will be able to make your forehead smaller. But is it possible to make your forehead smaller naturally?

The clear answer is Yes, because I too have reduced my large forehead which you can see in the picture below.

How To Make your forehead smaller permanently

Here’s a brief of 11 working ways to make your forehead smaller permanently

  • Increasing Hairline
  • With Makeup
  • Keep Different Hairstyles
  • Highlight or Color The Hair
  • Use Hair Band
  • With Exercise
  • With Cap
  • In Photos By Editing
  • With Wigs
  • Using Thick fiber
  • Hair Transplant and Forehead Reduction Surgery

How to make your forehead smaller permanently?

1. Make your forehead smaller by increasing hairline

Make your forehead smaller by increasing hairline

If you have a receding hairline problem then your forehead will get bigger in a very short time.

With aging, the hair on the forehead begins to thin and start falling, which is called a receding hairline. This happened in my case too.

It can be caused by genetics, unhealthy diet, hormonal changes, illness or stress, and not applying oil to the hair.

Receding hairline is a common problem that makes the forehead bigger than smaller and it happens mostly in men. If you want to prevent this then you have to take care of your hair.

You can follow these steps to reduce receding hairline:

  • Take a good amount of vitamins and minerals which keep your hair strong
  • Add fruits and vegetables to your diet that contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which are good for hair health and shine and promote hair growth
  • Apply hair oil twice a week and use organic shampoo and conditioner to reduce hair fall
  • Do not rub wet hair with a towel, it causes to hair fall
  • Avoid hair styling products, if you have hair fall

In short, you have to take care of your hairline and prevent it from falling. However, some people already have big hairline patterns by birth, in that case, they can follow the ways mentioned below.

2. Make your forehead smaller with makeup

Make forehead smaller with makeup

Makeup is beneficial in turning a big forehead into a small one, You just have to do it the right way. You can take advice from a makeup specialist and do it yourself too.

You can follow these makeup tips to reduce your large forehead:

  • Bronzer

Bronzer helps to appear your forehead shorter quickly. you should apply a three-shade and dark bronzer-like foundation.

Using a blush brush, apply a small amount of bronzer around the hairline and temples area. you will be able to see a difference on the forehead after this.

  • Darker Foundation

You know the darker foundation is a very easy and effective way to appear your forehead look smaller.

Apply dark foundation around temples and hairline area and take care that no hard line is left on your forehead.

Apply until you get flawless skin and always choose five shades darker foundation than your skin tone.

3. Make your forehead smaller with hair or hairstyles

Make your forehead smaller with hair or hairstyles

Hair can play a very good role to reduce forehead size even if you have a receding hairline problem.

Whenever you have to go out for a function or any work. You can choose different hairstyles depending on the texture of your hair. Which can cover your forehead and make it appear smaller quickly.

Here are the top hairstyles for both men and women:

  • Side fringe for long hair and medium hair
  • Straight fringe for wavy hair
  • Layered volume style
  • Bob with side fringe
  • Blunt with a fringe
  • Side-swept fringe
  • Opt for bangs
  • Bob style
  • Bangs
  • Wavy

4. Make forehead smaller with highlights or color the hair

Make forehead smaller with highlights or color the hair

Highlighting or coloring the hair long is also a great solution. People will be attracted to your beautiful hair instead of your huge forehead.

Coloring or highlighting hair draws attention away from the forehead. Also, you can take advice from a professional hairstylist.

Always choose the right type of color that suits your hair. People will not feel that his/her forehead is big. However, this is not a permanent solution for it, it is the quick and easy way.

5. Make forehead smaller with hair band

Make forehead smaller with hair band

Also, a hair band is a good option to make a forehead look smaller. It can hide your forehead so that no one will know that your forehead is huge.

There are many hair bands available in different colors and sizes. You can choose a hair band according to your forehead size.

Make sure don’t select too much tight hair bands. Always choose a hair band that does not cause unwanted tension on your scalp and makes you feel comfortable.

6. Make your forehead smaller with exercise

Apart from increasing the hairline, exercise or massage is also an effective method. But, does massaging your forehead make it smaller?

The answer is yes, but it is a long-term process, in which you need to be patient.

Step 1: Massage your forehead with your fingers in a circular motion. Massage first from left to right and then from top to bottom

Step 2: Massage well for one minute. it will relax your forehead muscles and animate blood flow in your forehead

Step 3: Starting from the middle to the forehead, Move your forehead forward With the help of your fingers, repeat it for 1 min

Step 4: With the help of your fingers, lower the forehead outline of your forehead and slowly pull it to the eyebrow, repeat it for 1 min

Step 5: Raise your eyebrows and pull your forehead down with the help of your fingers, do it for 1 min

You need to follow these steps constantly for at least 2 months to get a result.

7. Make forehead smaller with cap

How to make your forehead smaller with cap

Apart from hair bands, caps are also a good option to make the forehead look smaller.

If you feel shy to go in front of people because of your huge forehead, then you can wear it. it can cover your whole forehead area and make it appear smaller within a short time.

However, it is not a good option in summer. it can make your head sweaty during that time. Also, wearing a cap for a long time can also damage the hair, so limit the use of a cap if possible.

But there are many such caps available that open from the top. You can wear them in summer as well.

8. Make forehead smaller in photos

Make forehead smaller in photos

Some people feel shy and uncomfortable taking photos because of their large foreheads, but I have a solution for that too.

If you want to look picture-perfect then you should know a little bit about editing. There are many editor apps available, you can use them.

However, it doesn’t actually make the forehead smaller. But you can reduce your forehead in the photo by editing and making yourself look good.

9. Make forehead smaller with wigs

How to make your forehead smaller with wigs

If your forehead is big and you are bald, in that case, a wig can help a lot. You can use different styles of wigs, which is the greatest way to make your forehead look small.

It’s available in different colors, sizes, and hairstyles. Always choose wigs according to your face shape that make you feel comfortable and look natural.

There are several wigs mentioned below you can use them:

  • Voltage | Synthetic Wig (Basic Cap)
  • Winner | Synthetic Wig (Basic Cap)
  • Top Billing | Synthetic Lace Front Hair Topper (Mono Top)
  • Sparkle | Synthetic Wig (Basic Cap)
  • Upstage | Synthetic Lace Front Wig (Hand-Tied)
  • Crowd Pleaser | HF Synthetic Lace Front Wig (Mono Part)
  • Editor’s Pick | Synthetic Lace Front Wig (Mono Top)
  • Trend Setter | Synthetic Wig (Basic Cap)
  • Sonata | Synthetic Hair Topper
  • Tab | Synthetic Lace Front Wig (Mono Crown)

10. Make forehead smaller using Thick Fiber

Make forehead smaller using Thick Fiber

Thick Fiber is a cosmetic product designed to make thin hair appear thicker. This is the newest way to make a forehead look smaller.

It creates volume around the bald area. You can use it on your forehead which works like magic.

11. Make your forehead smaller surgery

Make your forehead smaller permanently without makeup or surgery

Surgery is the last and final option if nothing works for you. You can get a hair transplant or forehead reduction surgery to make a large forehead smaller.

How to reduce forehead size naturally for male?

How to make forehead smaller permanently or naturally for guys

A big forehead is a common problem and it can be seen in males too. In most men, the forehead looks bigger due to the receding hairline.

They can keep a hairstyle mentioned below that hides their forehead:

  • Buzz cut
  • Comb Over
  • Fringe
  • Short Pompadour
  • Crew cut
  • Messy and short
  • Side part
  • Bowl cut
  • French crop

Take a good amount of vitamins and minerals which keep your hair strong

Try to grow a beard that makes you look different and attractive. You can bald your head if you want.

By balding the head, you will get rid of the headache of a large forehead quickly. a bald with a beard and sunglasses is an attractive combination.

You just have to build up your confidence. There are many celebrities like Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson, and Vin Diesel who look great even without hair.

How to make your forehead smaller without makeup or Surgery?

If you feel allergic due to makeup and cannot apply it daily, then just use hairstyles and haircuts that hide your forehead and makes your forehead look smaller

Also, a lot of people can’t afford the surgery. If you have a lot of space between your browbones and your forehead, you can just make your brows bigger and darker so that it fills the space.

The eyebrows are also a good option for making your big forehead look smaller. make sure you just keep it in shape

You can use a hair band with a nice hairstyle which completely reduces your large forehead problem.

How to Make your forehead smaller naturally?

  • Peach fuzz hair

Peach fuzz hair is a little hair that you can see on your forehead. it is also called baby hair.

All you have to do is lengthen the little hairs on your forehead. It will cover your forehead and enhance the hairline.

You can apply coconut oil, olive oil, and onion oil to regrow your little hair. This method will help you reduce your big forehead naturally

  • Haircut

Choose the right haircut according to your forehead. This method is also perfect to make your forehead look smaller.

You just have to select a hairstyle that hides your huge forehead

  • Highlight or color the hair

If you like to color or highlight your hair, then this method is very effective for your big forehead. Highlighted and colored hair draws attention from the forehead.

Wrap up

There are so many ways to make the forehead smaller permanently. All you need to do is take care of and balance your facial features.

Also, do not take stress which causes hair to fall on the forehead and make it small.

Hope, you have found ways to make your forehead smaller permanently which is good for you. Comment us if you have any doubts or questions.


Due to the big forehead, people have to face many problems. This brings many questions to their mind. Some of which I have answered below.

How to get a smaller forehead overnight?

There is no way to get a smaller forehead overnight. You can hide it quickly with caps, wigs, and hair bands

How can I make my forehead smaller naturally?

You can try different Hairstyles, Makeup, and wear caps and hair bands that hide your big forehead.

Can I grow hair on my forehead?

It’s not possible to grow hair on the whole forehead, but you can regrow your receding hairline.

Why is my forehead so big?

Because of Genetics, Receding Hairline, and Vitamin Deficiency.

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